Activity Summary
Use this storybook guide with the book “More or Less.”
Many public libraries have this book.
Reading guide
About the Story
This story happens at a school fair, where families can play various games at different booths. In one booth, a young boy named Eddie tries to guess people’s ages. As different people stop by his booth, we see Eddie use number clues to figure out everyone’s age.

Words to Learn
odd, even, more, less, between, older than, younger than, at least
About the Math
“More or Less” is a book about comparing numbers. As Eddie tries to guess the age of each person, your child can learn:
- The difference between more or less. For example, 10 is more than 9 but less than 12.
- The difference between odd and even numbers.
- How to use problem-solving skills and clues to make an educated guess.

Math Talk During Reading
Name a number less than 10. Name a number more than 7. What numbers are between 7 and 10? - EXAMINE HOW EDDIE USES PROBLEM‑SOLVING SKILLS
How did Eddie figure out Clara’s age? What did he do first? - USE THE CLUES ON EACH PAGE TO MAKE AN EDUCATED GUESS ABOUT THE PERSON’S AGE
Can you try and guess how old this boy is? - TRY TO COME UP WITH DIFFERENT WAYS TO FIGURE OUT A PERSON’S AGE
Can you come up with another way to guess Mr. Shaw’s age? What numbers would you start with?
Try to come up with some of your own questions and comments, too!
Activity After Reading
I’m thinking of a number from 1 to 20. Can you guess what number I’m thinking of?
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