Activity Summary
Use this storybook guide with the book “Mouse Shapes.” Many public libraries have this book.
Reading guide
About the Story
When the mice run and hide from the cat, they find themselves in a sea of triangles, squares, ovals, and other shapes. Soon they start putting shapes together to make a house, a tree, and many more things. When the cat threatens to come back, they turn the shapes into three big, scary mice to keep the cat away! Then they settle down to a lunch of Swiss cheese, also made of their shapes.

Words to Learn
shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, diamond (rhombus), sides, big, bigger
pounced, sneaky, clever
About the Math
This is a book about shapes. In this book, children can learn:
- The names and essential features of basic shapes, including the circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, and rhombus—often called a diamond.
- That shapes can take many different forms. They can be different colors and sizes, and can be turned in different ways than we usually see them. And some shapes, such as triangles, come in many different types.
- That you can put simple shapes together to make many different things.

Math Talk During Reading
How many sides does a square have? What about a triangle? - NOTICE HOW SHAPES COME IN DIFFERENT COLORS, SIZES, AND ORIENTATIONS
This shape is turned on its side. Is it still a triangle? - PRACTICE IDENTIFYING THE DIFFERENT SHAPES
What other shapes do you see on this page? - TALK ABOUT HOW SHAPES CAN BE USED TO MAKE OTHER THINGS
What shapes does the story use to make the cat?”
Try to come up with some of your own questions and comments, too!
Activity After Reading
- Make your own things out of shapes: “Let’s cut out some triangles, squares, ovals, and circles. What can we make if we put them together?”
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English version
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