Activity Summary
Use this storybook guide with the book “Round.”
Many public libraries have this book. This book is a Mathical Award winner.
Reading guide
About the Story
In this beautifully illustrated book, a little girl joyfully describes her love for roundness. She sees round things everywhere. She marvels at many different kinds of roundness, including curves and circles that are near and far, from the sun to blueberries on a bush. She observes that seeds may start out round but then transform into other shapes. She notices that some round objects can roll and spin. At the end, the girl makes a circle of friends, leaving no one out.

Words to Learn
tiny, no one left out, inside
hatch, swell, budding, ripening, stretching, spinning, smoothness, splats, ripples
About the Math
As the girl proclaims her love of roundness, your child can learn major features of shapes:
- Some round objects, like oranges and blueberries, have curves that you can reach around—they are three dimensional.
- Some round objects, like the circles on a tree trunk, are flat—they are two-dimensional.
- Some round objects, like a ball, are spheres; other round objects, like many eggs, have an oval shape.
- Some shapes change over time, like water circles that become larger and eventually disappear.

Talk During Reading
What round things can you find on the orange tree page? - IDENTIFY NOT-ROUND THINGS
Can you find some things that are not round? - THINK ABOUT ROUND THINGS
Is there anything in your kitchen that is round? What about in the refrigerator? - DISCUSS THE IDEAS OF CIRCLE AND SPHERE
How is a circle, like the circles in the water on the lily pad page, different from a ball, like an orange?
Try to come up with some of your own questions and comments, too!
Activity After Reading
Let’s look in your room. Find three different things that are round and then draw them. How are they the same and how are they different?
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English version
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