Activity Summary
Use this storybook guide with the book “One Is a Piñata: A Book of Numbers”
Many public libraries have this book. This is a Mathical Award honor book.
Reading guide
About the Story
This beautifully illustrated counting book shows the numbers from 1 to 10 in three different ways—for example, the written number (8), the written English word (eight), and the written Spanish word (ocho). The illustrations for each number include distinctive objects that can be found in Central America, like the piñata party or the maracas (rattles)used to make music. Enjoy learning contar!

Words to Learn
One/uno, two/dos, three/tres, four/cuatro, five/cinco, six/seis, seven/siete, eight/ocho, nine/nueve, ten/diez
from aguas frescas (cold fresh drinks) to zapatos (shoes)
About the Math
The math in this book is mostly about counting. Your child can learn:
- To say the counting numbers from 1 to 10 in both English and Spanish.
- That each number can be shown in three different ways—as a numeral (6) and as a written number word in both English (six) and Spanish (seis).
- That specific numbers come before and after a particular number (7 is before 8 and after 6).
- To count objects on each page that correspond to the numbers(one cake, five kites).

Math Talk During Reading
“How many fruits are on the stick?” - DISCUSS THE ORDER OF NUMBERS
“There are six drinks in this picture. What will the next number be? What number is before six?” - READ THE NUMERALS AND NUMBER WORDS
Point and say: “What do you call this? Let’s read the word in English and Spanish. What does it mean?”
Try to come up with some of your own questions and comments, too!
Activity After Reading
With your child, choose objects from home, such as blocks, or pictures from books, such as trees. On separate pages, draw various objects for each number: one block, two trees, three cats, and so on. Help your child write the numerals and English and Spanish number words. Assemble the pages into your child’s counting book!
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English version
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