Game Directory

Level 1

Compare Numbers

Play on this level if the child is learning to answer questions like:

"What number is larger: 4 or 7?"

Level 2

Put Numbers in Order

Play on this level if the child is learning to answer questions like:

"Can you put these numbers (5, 7, 4, 6, 3) in order from smallest to largest? "

Level 3

Add Numbers

Play on this level if the child is learning to answer questions like:

"How much is 3+6?"

Level 4

Advanced Adding & Subtracting

Play on this level if the child is learning to answer questions like:

"What do you need to add to 8 to get to 10?"

The Card Games were developed by researchers Beth Casey and Eric Dearing and their team at Boston College composed of Martha Bronson, Lindsey Caola, Dianne Escalante, Elizabeth Pezaris, Alana Foley, Alden Burnham, Amanda Stroiman, and Megan Kern. Kaitlin Young from Tandem, Partners in Early Learning also contributed to the creation of these games. The authors are grateful to their collaborating schools and families in Boston and Wellesley, MA.