Explore Early Math Topics Explore temas claves de las matemáticas tempranas
A description of key early math concepts, including why they’re important and ideas to promote children’s understanding and skills in each of these areas.
Una descripción de los conceptos claves de las matemáticas tempranas, incluyendo la razón por la cual son importantes e ideas para promover el aprendizaje de los niños en cada una de estas áreas.

Build Positive Math Attitudes
Simple strategies that parents and caregivers can use with children to grow positive attitudes toward math.

Find and Talk About Math in Routines Apoye las matemáticas en familia
Support caregivers with ideas for exploring math in everyday family routines, such as cooking and cleaning.
Comparta con las familias estas ideas para explorar las matemáticas en las rutinas diarias y promover una predisposición favorable hacia las matemáticas.

Support Math Learning in Music, Reading, & Play
There are many opportunities to talk about math during reading and playtime. Here are some ideas and tips.

Promote Math in Home Daycares
Short videos in Spanish and English with ideas for home-based family child care providers to use to build children’s math skills.

Uncover Children's Math Thinking
Short videos showing examples of adult-child conversations that uncover children’s thinking about key math topics.