
Tangrams y las figuras geométricas

…se componen los bloques para completar el rompecabeza del pollo? La solución para el rompecabezas del pollo.   ¿Cómo se componen los bloques para completar el rompecabeza de la tortuga?…


Matching Cups

Use counting and comparing to find all pairs of cups that have the same number of objects hidden underneath them….


Learning Math During Cleanup Time

…to color and size, practice numbers and counting, and compare quantities to find out which basket has more or fewer toys. It’s important for child care providers to know that:…


Tangram Puzzle Resources

…do you place the blocks to complete the Chicken puzzle? The solution to the chicken puzzle.   How do you place the blocks to complete the Turtle puzzle? Solution to…


Introduction to Playing Cards

…worth 1. Card Game Terms Here are some common terms from the card game directions: A deck of cards refers to the whole pile of cards needed for the game….


Learning Math During Playtime

This video is in Spanish with English captions. Finding and talking about math throughout the day can go a long way in supporting the early math and language development of…


Card Game Stories

coming on, she will say: “Beware, beware, my nose has a tickle. If I sneeze, you’ll be in a pickle.” When the King or Queen or Count Jack hear that,…


All About Positive Math Attitudes

…Believing That Everyone Can Do Math It is common in some cultures for boys to be seen as being better at math, and some girls start to conform to gender…


Reveal the Hidden Math

Math is everywhere! Here are some ways to find it. Notice the Math In your daily conversations when you see or talk about: Adding and subtracting Measuring Numbers and counting…


All About Family Math

Family math is parents, caregivers, and young children engaging each other in fun early math learning at home and on-the-go through the support of professionals serving families.



Answers to frequently asked questions about the DREME Family Math website. Please contact us if you have additional questions….


Descubran las matemáticas ocultas

…niñas, haga preguntas como: “Cómo podemos resolverlo?” “¿De qué otra manera lo podemos intentar?” “¿Qué notas?” “¿Qué es igual?” “¿Qué es diferente?” “¿Cómo lo sabes?” “Dime en qué estás pensando.”…


Pattern Thinking in Action

…and responding flexibly to the child’s answers. A simple question such as, “What comes next?” can lead to insightful conversations about patterns. To encourage deeper thinking, caregivers can ask open-ended…


Privacy Policy

commonly used an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Our website uses these…


Play and Learn with Counting Books

…your fingers. Circling groups with your fingers to show how many there are all together. The video includes suggestions of picture books that support counting skills. DREME offers storybook guides,…


Explore Math While Singing Counting Songs

…encourage children’s strategies for solving math problems. Find more ideas for using music and movement to grow young children’s math vocabulary and interest in this collection of math song guides….


Playing with Math at the Playground

…counting and quantity (e.g., lots, more, and fewer) as she climbs. At the start, Cassie climbs to the top, going up and up and up. Later, Cassie climbs to the…


Taking Math Learning Outdoors into Nature

…constructed playground, or a combination of both, outdoor spaces offer more room to move around compared to typical indoor spaces for preschoolers. Outdoor settings also provide a variety of real…


Math Conversations While Grocery Shopping

There are many opportunities in everyday family activities to explore and develop math skills. This video features a brief conversation about math that a caregiver and child could have while…


Math Conversations While Setting the Table

There are many opportunities in everyday family activities to explore and develop math skills. This video features a brief conversation about math that could arise between a caregiver and a…


El Rey salta

El objetivo de este juego de 2 a 4 jugadores es encontrar cartas que den 10 al sumarlas y ponerlas en una pila de cartas guardadas.  El jugador con más cartas gana.


Reina de 10

El objetivo de este juego de 2 a 4 jugadores es encontrar cartas que den 10 al sumarlas, y ponerlas en una pila de cartas guardadas.  El jugador con más cartas gana.


Números vecinos

En este juego de 2 jugadores gana el jugador que acumula la mayor cantidad de “cartas vecinas” en su propia pila. Cartas vecinas son cartas que son un número más o un número menos que otra carta.


Count Jack is Highest

The goal of this 2-4 player game is to get the most cards in your saved cards pile. Win cards by having the highest number card in a round.


La suma y la resta

…actividades de la vida diaria, como poner la mesa, calcular el cambio en el supermercado y jugar juegos. La suma y la resta preparan a los niños para aprender otros…


Line Them Up

The goal of this 2 player game is to make a number line. Whoever puts the last card in the completed number line wins.


All About Addition and Subtraction

Count to see how many are left after taking one away. What Are Addition and Subtraction? Addition is used to figure out the total of two or more numbers. Subtraction…


Sneeze Orders the Cards

In this 2 player game, the goal is to be the first to complete your own number line by replacing face-down cards with the correct face-up number.


Contando números

…contar es la cantidad total (“Uno, dos, tres, cuatro. ¡Hay cuatro perritos en el parque!”). Saber que no importa en qué orden se cuenten las cosas, siempre habrá la misma…


All About Counting

…week. Counting also helps us compare things so we can figure out if there is more or less of something. This is important if I think you got more cookies…


Contando fácilmente

En este juego de 2 jugadores, gana una ronda el jugador que tiene el total más alto entre dos cartas. El jugador que gana la mayor cantidad de rondas gana el juego.


Los datos

…nos ayudan a comprender el mundo que nos rodea y a tomar decisiones. Recolectamos información para responder preguntas como: “¿Hay suficientes galletas para todos?” Cuenten cuántas personas y galletas hay….


El conde Jota es el más alto

Este es un juego para 2-4 jugadores. El objetivo del juego es acumular la mayor cantidad de cartas. En cada ronda, gana cartas el jugador que tenga la carta con el número más alto.



La medición

…la cantidad de algo. Podemos medir con unidades estándar, como pulgadas y libras, y usando instrumentos como reglas y balanzas. También podemos medir usando objetos que nos rodean: por ejemplo,…


Number Neighbors

The goal of this 2 player game is to get the most number neighbors (cards that are one more or one less than another number) in your saved cards pile.


Los números

como: El orden correcto de las palabras numéricas. Las cifras (como 4, 5, 6). Que un número nos dice “cuántos” y, más adelante, que cada palabra numérica significa una cantidad…


Easy Counting

The goal of this 2 player game is to win the round by having the highest total between two cards. The player who wins the most rounds wins the game.



Este es un juego para dos jugadores. El objetivo del juego es que los jugadores construyan una línea numérica usando cartas del 1 al 10. El jugador que coloca la última carta y completa la línea numérica gana. 


All About Measurement

…problems. Knowing standard units and how they are related helps us communicate about the things we measure. What Do Children Need to Know About Measurement? Children need to understand: What…


Queen of 10s

The goal of this 2-4 player game is to find cards that add to 10 and put them in a saved cards pile. The player with the most cards wins.


Los patrones

…de objetos, eventos, acciones o sonidos debe repetirse completamente al menos una vez para que podamos ver la unidad de patrón. Dos unidades de patrón forman un patrón. Repeticiones comunes…


All About Numbers

…Important? Numbers help us compare, measure, order, add, subtract, and solve problems of all kinds. When children begin kindergarten, their knowledge about numbers helps prepare them for learning math. Children…


The King Pops Up

The goal of this 2-4 player game is to win the round by having the highest total between two cards. The player who wins the most rounds wins the game.


Jack Subtracts

In this 2-4 player game, draw two cards and subtract the lower card from the higher one. Whoever has the smallest answer wins the round. The player who wins the most rounds wins the game.


Las figuras geométricas

…las distintas partes de las figuras geométricas, como esquina, lado, ángulo y borde. Palabras que se usan para describir las figuras geométricas, como alto, curvo y angosto. Cómo se ven…


What’s the Secret Number?

In this collaborative 2-player game, players work together to figure out the secret number that’s being added to the center card in each round.


All About Patterns

…repeat fully at least once so we can see the pattern unit. Two pattern units make a pattern. Common repetitions that make patterns: Color: red, blue, purple, red, blue, purple…


Hidden 10s

The goal of this 2 player game is to add larger numbers together correctly so that you get to keep the cards in a saved cards pile. Earn a bonus card by using a special strategy. Whoever gets the most cards wins the game.


All About Shapes

…Words for parts of shapes, like corner, side, angle, and edge. Words that describe shapes, like tall, curved, and narrow. What common shapes look like if rotated, cut in half,…


Panqueques divertidos

¡Preparen panqueques agregando sus ingredientes favoritos! Ya sea frutas o chispas de
chocolate, con estos pequeños ingredientes se puede practicar contar, sumar, y restar.
Nuestros consejitos matemáticos le dan ideas para conversar con su niño o niña mientras


Los conceptos de espacio y lugar

cómo leer un mapa para llegar a la casa de un amigo. Cómo los objetos o escenas se ven desde distintos lugares. “¿Qué verías si te movieras al otro lado…


Finding Math in Everyday Family Life

…at home and in their communities is called family math. Research shows that family math supports the development of key early math skills, which are critical for success in school…